2023 Numbers
Alpha: 11.3
Beta: 6.3
HSI: 0.16
Galena is well known as a reliable, clean-bittering, high alpha hop. The clean-bittering of this hop works well as the base bittering palate for other more flavorful and aromatic hops. Rarely used as a late stage hop unless you're looking for strong blackcurrant.
It is characterized with aroma’s of sweet fruit such as peaches and pears; citrus elements like grapefruit, lime, and pineapple. Hints of spicy woodiness, blackcurrant, and gooseberry can also be found.
Peach, woody with a hint of lemon, pine
Use: Bittering hop, traditionally used as an early hop in the brew.
Galena is an alternative to: Nugget, Columbus, Zeus, Tomahawk, Brewers Gold.
Galena is commonly paired with: Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, Simcoe and Amarillo
What's being brewed with Galena?
English Style Ales
India Pale Ales
Mexican Lagers
American Pale Ale
Barley Wines
Brown Ales
American Wheat