
What we're growing and our strive for quality.

Demand Quality.

We want the best for your product and we want you to demand that from us. Disease management, harvesting, proper processing, packaging and storage, all steps that demand attention in order to deliver the best product to you.

View our varieties

Numbers are important.

Hop testing is a critical aspect to get right year in and year out. Our current testing provides us 3 numbers we feel are critical for people to know and understand. We currently test every variety, every year at least once.

Alpha Acids (AA) contribute to the bitterness of the product. Lower alpha numbered hops are typically used for aroma and flavour while higher alpha is used for bitterness.

Beta Acids (BA) are largely ignored but play a key role that should be understood. While beta acids can add to aroma, their value and timing in your process can play a key role in flavour and longevity or storage.

Hop Storage Index (HSI) is a measure of the degradation of alpha and beta acids during storage and handling of hops. Generally you want to see an HSI of less than 0.30. As hops age, the Alpha and Beta acids on the label become less and less true, making you guess and guessing isn't how we want you brewing beer.

So what's happening in your beer.

When trying to understand how to use hops, understanding your chosen variety and end goal are just the first step. Here are some great resources about acids and HSI.

Survivable compunds
Understanding HSI
Everything you need to know about hops
Hop Resins: Alpha and Beta Acids

What we're growing.

We keep things simple on the farm. We're focused on delivery quality, versatile, dependable hop varieties. While the names may look familiar, it's critical to understand that despite the variety, the growing environment will drive completely unique characteristics in to the hop. We are constantly updating out information with the feedback that we are hearing from brewers.

Valley Cascade

Cascade is the hop that started it all. Named after the mountain range in Oregon, it defined the American Pale Ale style. Cascade offers a great citrus grapefruit flavor and aroma from the high levels of myrcene oil. It's ideally used in late hop additions to maximize that bright flavor and aroma. The bright citrus is backed by some soft floral and spice, which rounds out the profile. It makes a great wet and whole cone option.

Aroma: Citrus (Grapefruit) and Floral

Use: A dual purpose, most often used as an aroma hop, but also has a use on the bittering side of the brew.

Available as wet hop, pellet or whole leaf.


2024 Numbers

Alpha: 4.9
Beta: 6.4
HSI: 0.13

Adjusted to 10% moisture.
Results from Canadian Institute of Food & Wine, Niagara College.

What's being brewed with Valley Cascade?

Whiprsnapr - 2022 Fresh Hop Rye Pale Ale
Whiprsnapr - 2023 Friends & Family Havest Pale Ale
Broadhead - 174 Series - Wet Hop Harvest
Broadhead - Underdog Pale Ale

American Pale Ale
India Pale Ale
American Porter
Blonde Ale
Amber Ale
American Hefeweizen
American Barley Wine
Red Ale

Lanark Centennial

Sometimes referred to as a “Super Cascade” because its aroma is somewhat like cascade but has a higher bittering potential. Centennial is incredibly well-rounded and useful for bittering, flavor, aroma, and dry-hopping. You'll find vibrant citrus and soft pine characteristics. Centennial is the featured hop in legendary IPAs

Aroma: Pine, mild citrus, and floral notes.

Use: A dual purpose hop with good aromatic qualities and high alpha acid. Often used for dry hopping.

Available as wet hop, pellet or whole leaf.


2022 Numbers

Alpha: 10.9
Beta: 3.2
HSI: 0.22

Adjusted to 10% moisture.
Results from Canadian Institute of Food & Wine, Niagara College.

What's being brewed with Lanark Centennial?

Whiprsnapr - 2022 Fresh Hop Rye Pale Ale
Whiprsnapr - 2023 Friends & Family Havest Pale Ale

Beer styles commonly using this hop:
Pale Ale
Amber Ale
American IPA
American Blonde
American Stout
American Wheat
Double IPA
Barley Wine
Red Ale

Northern Galena

Galena is well known as a reliable, clean-bittering, high alpha hop. The clean-bittering of this hop works well as the base bittering palate for other more flavorful and aromatic hops. Rarely used as a late stage hop unless you're looking for strong blackcurrant.

It is characterized with aromas of sweet fruit such as peaches and pears; citrus elements like grapefruit, lime, and pineapple. Hints of spicy woodiness, blackcurrant, and gooseberry can also be found.

Aroma: Peach, Pear, Citrus (grapefruit, lime, pineapple), Blackcurrant

Use: Bittering hop, traditionally used as an early hop in the brew.

Available as wet hop, pellet or whole leaf.


2024 Numbers

Alpha: 9.8
Beta: 7.6
HSI: 0.17

Adjusted to 10% moisture.
Results from Canadian Institute of Food & Wine, Niagara College.

What's being brewed with Northern Galena?

Broadhead - 174 Series - Black Currant Cream Ale

English Style Ales
India Pale Ales
American Pale Ale
Barley Wines
Brown Ales
American Wheat
Golden Ales

What works with Galena, or what other hops is it like?

Galena is commonly used alongside Simcoe, Cascade, Centennial, Chinook or Amarillo.

If you're wondering how to use Galena in your beer, it shares similar properties to hops like Brewers Gold, Columbus, Zeus, Nugget, Tomahawk. So if you've used these before or your recipie calls for them, give Galena a try as a substitute.